June 10: Mui caliente en Tejas!!
Hello hello everybody!
Well this week sure has gone by super fast, i cant believe that i am already sending another E-mail. Well some cool stuff has happened since last Thursday, Monica (Marissa's Mom) has moved her baptismal date from the 10th of August to the 19th of June!! So her and her daughter will both be getting baptized on June 19th next Saturday! Its really cool, also we got a car to drive around for a while
yeah I'm so happy its not permanent and we only get 500 miles a month so we cant really drive that much but its enough to be enjoyable! The car is a 2007 Chevy Malibu and its white and it goes pretty quick from what i have experienced so far. Anyways the title of the E-mail is true its getting hot here like super hot it hit 100 last week so yeah i miss the nice cool Rexburg weather its sad to say but its true. For those of you who say that you would switch me you wouldn't want to stay here for one more day after one day in the 100 degree weather. I felt like melting that day this was before we got the car so we were sweating it out on a bike and man was it hot!
Texas is fun tho i am enjoying myself here Highland Village has some really cool people. Also another cool thing that happened this week was that we had President Thurston's Last Zone Conference. It was a really good one i enjoyed it a lot. The Trainings given were really good. Also President Sagers comes here on the 28th of June. Crazy! Its coming really fast and its gonna be really weird when it happens I think. Speaking of that Mom and Dad did you guys happen to see him? If yes, how did it go? Dad you should ask Rick if he remembers a family named the Hansen's who lived in Oklahoma his First name is Neil so if you could he wanted to know cause he knows Rick and Spencer. Mom my address i already told you just send it to there its really close by so I will get it like one day later than i would if you just sent it too me. I cant really think of anything that i need specifically. Elder Barney's first name is Samuel (Sam). Mom even with Colton gone i don't think you will ever be empty nesters I mean Jordon will come over Sean probably will come over not to mention all of the College kids like Scott who will keep coming over. So, you will never be an empty nester ha. I love you mom thanks for the E-mail i appreciate it! Dad thanks for both the letter and the E-mail i recieved both of them, your letter on tuesday and e-mail today! We always seem to have some kind of car trouble dont we? Thats to bad about the cars and your too nice to let mom drive your CTS. Just kidding i think that your just nice enough. I hope that everything keeps goin up in your Buisness and i hope that you can retire comfortably when i get home or even before, that would be cool. I feel kinda sorry for you having to mow darrins lawn but just a little bit haha. Speakig of college tuition did you ever get a chance to go too coach miller and talk to him about the game film at all?? If you did thanks if not its okay you'll just have to pay for college haha jkjk. I love you dad good luck in finishing out school and everything talk to ya next week.
Mike thanks io am trying and my comp has a red spanish book the same one you have and i am trying to get him to give it to me so then i can really learn some Espanole. It is weird that you have been out for almost 6 months!! I have been out 7 transfers man so weird but before ya know it you will be at 7 and i will be at 10 thats creepy. but i am running out of time and i have to say a few more thing but thanks Elder Dayley for the email. Dillon thats good that your moving along you should probably tell her tho she might want to know when one day your gone and cant call her or email or anything that might be important. Just a thought, and you know i was just kidding about the camera breaking thing. Good luck with filling out your papers tho man i hope that it works out for ya. Thanks Dill. Pord i am excited for your letters, and thanks for comforting my mom ha your awesome. i hope you find those songs cause then you can take them with you and listen too them and love them like i do. Jeremy thanks for the picture its really cool i hope that things keep going strong cause i would love to have somebody with the same birthday month as me in the fam! Alright times up y'all love ya have an awesome week!
Te Quero,
Elder Walker
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