I didn't Crash!
Hello everybody!
Well August is here already! Where did July go? All well keep on keepin on, right? Well as the title reads ia am safe this week so far and didnt crash on my bike! Yeah
i'm happy about that! Also this week was President Sagers first Zone Conference, and it was really good. We talked about the Atonement pretty much the whole time, so it was awesome. He is really smart and knows a lot about stuff. We also watched something called the District 2. It was about some missionaries in San Diego, and John Hepworth was on it and it was so trippy i didnt know what to think. I guess that they were trained or something in a specific way and they are gonna start teaching us off that. It was really cool. Also at this Zone Conference we got new phones and they are pretty cool actually they aren't really that cool but really cool for a missionary. So the ZC was a success and i liked iot a lot.
On a different note not so spirtitual, last week we had a really cool P-Day activity, we fenced! I know what your thinking but it was way fun and we had a tourney and i Won! Which was even cooler. I'm probably going to take it in College. Its a lot of Defensive Slides so it felt really natural. That was way fun. Also Dad i was just wondering if i could get some more Emv before Transfers which happen in about 2 weeks. So if possible thanks. Back to being spiritual we had two really good lessons this week with new gators and they both will be at church this week! Their names are Harold and Lorelei. They really are great people and they both love the Missionaries! So this might be premature but i think that they will get Baptized before October. anyways that was my week and i'm sure there is more but i cant think of any so on to you guys.
Elder Dayley man thanks for the E-mail your so consistant i love it i know i will always get a letter from you buit my Add is 1331 airport fwy # 305 Euless TX 76040 So i will write you today and you can write me monday sound good? That Verse is funny man the Bible is so weird i cant understand it half the time. Thats why i love the BOM & you! haha peace out mike. amor buddy! Misty hey, thanks for the E-mail 2 in a row way to go! I bet gracies violin was awesome haha
thats so funny but i hope that she sticks with it cause it is an awesome talent. I hope that you get to sleep in cause you need it you sound exhausted... How was the run?? Anyways g2g misty love ya. Brooklyn, hey beautiful! Well i thought i sent you a letter but maybe the wrong address i mean you've only had 3 so which one is it for sure? I will write you a letter today as well and i will answer all questions. I love you too! And i'm not scared of my sisters. Well kind of. Dad Thanks for the E-mail! You guys sound like your havin a grand old time in the Burg. Jen+Walker+Miyah+you guys= Fun ha just a little bit of math havent done any in a while so i thought i'd see if i could still do it. You do sound like your complaining tho, ha you should make jen and Walker help they would love to help you! I hope my friends dont disown you guys now that me and pord are gone. President is a really good guy too so you can know that i am safe! Jill hey thanks for the update and thanks for all the info and my guess will have to be a boy cause he will be born in Jan and thats the time when boys are born in our family. haha. well sis love ya so much thansk and good luck. Jen and c&o well guys i love you and did you ever get my letter?? ifn ot i will write another one but i am in kinda a hurry so i g2g i love you and thanks for the E_mail again jen love ya.
Love Y'all,
Elder Walker
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